Kilimanjaro Facts

Height - 19340 ft / 5895 m
First Ascent - 5 October 1889
Location - Tanzania, Africa
Annual Visitors - approx. 15,000
% Successful Summits - about 40%

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

home at last

60 hours after being dropped off at the Kilimanjaro airport we finally arrived at PDX Tuesday evening. What a great adventure! Thanks to everyone for making it such a memorable experience.


  1. Welcome back, you guys! Can't wait to hear all about the safari, see the pics, and swap stories. Get some rest! Jim

  2. Finally!!! I looked everywhere for you guys at the Amsterdam airport. The "Arrivals" board had no information about a flight from Dar Salem. You would think they would list the flight as "cancelled", but instead it was as if the flight never existed. I couldn't figure it out. It wasn't until Tuesday morning when I logged into the blog did I realize everyone was still stuck in Africa. Unbelievable. Get plenty of rest and let's get together when everyone has recovered. Lisa
