Kilimanjaro Facts

Height - 19340 ft / 5895 m
First Ascent - 5 October 1889
Location - Tanzania, Africa
Annual Visitors - approx. 15,000
% Successful Summits - about 40%

Sunday, February 21, 2010

All 13 successfully summitted. Perfect climb. Partly cloudy no wind. Descending worlds longest scree slope 10100 feet.


  1. congratulations!
    from libby and brian

  2. Wahoo!!!! Great work!!!! Huggers Judy

  3. Wx for next few days: above 6,000 metres: mainly clear, winds lite w,nw 5 -15 km.: temps. -5 to -10C( Tues. nite);no precip.From 3,000m - 4,500m Tues.- Wed.: some cloud, wind from sw 15km Tues.- 5 km Wed;no precip.: below 3,000 m. Wed.winds s,sw 15 - 10 kmph.;6-11C,some cloud; Thurs. winds am sw 10 cloud,afternoon w 10 rain showers (1 mm), pm se 5 some cloud,temps 6 - 13C

  4. Woohoooo!!!
    Congrats to the team!
    Kellie, your ICS buddies are workin' on keeping it real back in Portland.
