A Mazama Outing to the roof of Africa via the Lemosho Route and the Western Breach. Guided by Embark Adventures.
Kilimanjaro Facts
Height - 19340 ft / 5895 m First Ascent - 5 October 1889 Location - Tanzania, Africa Annual Visitors - approx. 15,000 % Successful Summits - about 40%
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Where in the world is Chuck? I have no idea but our coordinates are S 3 deg 30.660 min E 35 deg 22.301 min. Comment with a link 2 google maps if u figure out.
How about here: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=-3%C2%B0+30%27+39.60%22,+%2B35%C2%B0+22%27+18.06%22+(-3.511000,+35.371683)&sll=-3.51068,35.371857&sspn=0.626414,0.883026&dirflg=w&ie=UTF8&z=9
Google couldn't calculate directions from my house unfortunately :P
How about here:
Google couldn't calculate directions from my house unfortunately :P