Kilimanjaro Facts

Height - 19340 ft / 5895 m
First Ascent - 5 October 1889
Location - Tanzania, Africa
Annual Visitors - approx. 15,000
% Successful Summits - about 40%

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


View of Kilimanjaro from Shira Camp, at 11,300'

We arrived here today at 1530, after a seven hour trek from Big Tree Camp. Weather has been favorable, and the group seems to be traveling and acclimatizing well. The route today was consistently uphill, traversing through rain forest, which gradually transitioned to dryer pines, and then, abruptly, changed to moorland as we entered a new climatic zone, characterized by tall, heather-like shrubs. Here on the Shira Plateau, the vegetation consists mainly of sparse and low growing sub-alpine species, such as heather.

Thunder accompanied our arrival at Shira Camp, but the rain held off and gradually the clouds cleared away to offer us this view of our objective, still four days away.

Cell service should be more reliable from now on, and I will try to post updates at the end of each day. I have also started to post simultaneously to the blog site, so check there for photos and updates as well.

Sent from my I-Phone...

Jim Ronning

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ted - Is that you in the tent picture? We were wondering if you are throwing up. Hope not! Thinking about you LOTS!!! and really missing you. Up you go. Love, Martha
